How Do I Get Connected?
There is room to get connected at Zion Star Missionary Baptist Church. Whether you are a five-year old child looking for a Youth Ministry or a seasoned adult looking to connect with other adults through one of our various adults ministries.
We want you to be a part of our growing vibrant church community. We welcome you check-out  our church ministries below to see how we can help you to get connected at Zion Star Missionary Baptist Church.
Youth Ministry Director
Sis. Romy Lewis-Barros
Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers is carefully screened and thoroughly trained in children’s instruction. The youth ministry of our church is recognized for their meaningful interaction with kids.
Adult Choir
Sis. Adron Cooley
This ministry renders spiritual songs of praise during Sunday morning worship service.
Deacon Ministry, Chair
Deacon Willie Fletcher Jr.
Angels of Mercy-Health Ministry
Sis. Llewelyn Marsh
This ministry is responsible for focusing on the holistic health care needs of the entire church through education, health screenings, and community resources. 
Benevolence Ministry
Sis. Llewelyn Marsh
This ministry provides help for those who are in a crisis and loss of a family member. Financial assistance given based on need.
Young Adult Sunday School
The purpose of the young adult ministry is to provide young people between the ages of 18-35 the opportunity to grow, discover God’s purpose for their lives, use their gifts and be active members of the church.
PMD ( Parents Making A Difference)
Sis. Romy Lewis-Barros
This ministry provides assistance to the youth ministry during any events that will be a part of Zion Star
Youth Usher Ministry-Sis. Rhonda Parramore
This ministry’s responsibilities include distributing bulletins, helping people find a seat, conducting the flow of offering, and facilitating the logistics of a smooth worship experience. Ages 4-18 years old. The ministry ushers meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Media Outreach Ministry
Sis Bria Woods/Dr. Willie Fletcher/William Cloud
This ministry also provides multi-media presentation during morning worship and maintains church websites and Social Media sites. This ministry is also responsible for maintaining DVD/CD orders and supplies
Mission Ministry
Sis. Evelyn Shelton
This ministry provides help for those with physical needs such as clothing and food. It also is responsible for providing spiritual guidance to the sick and shut in as well as nursing home residents.
Nursery Ministry
Sis. Romy Lewis- Barros
This ministry provides a safe- environment for children ages 0-5 years during worship service and special events. The nursery is located on the first floor of the O.L. McNary Education Center.
Sunday School Ministry
Sis. Rev. David Parramore
This ministry provides various classes in biblical education for the children as well as adults on Sunday mornings at 9:30a.m.
Culinary Ministry
Sis. Janell Mayberry
This ministry provides food for special services, funerals, and other events held at the church.
Transportation Ministry
Bro. Michael Gaines
This ministry provides transportation to Sunday morning services and when needed.
Trustee Ministry
Rev. David Parramore, Chair
Finance Ministry, Chair
Sis. Yovanda Alexander
Adult Ushers Ministry
Sis. JoAnn Mayberry
This ministry’s responsibilities include distributing bulletins, helping people find a seats, conducting the flow of offering, and facilitating the logistics of a smooth worship experience.